Gone Fishin’ Field Report – Online Evangelism 5/4/23
He told me he would go to hell because he was a bad dude. He said he had shot someone, and they were in hospital. He waved a couple of guns around to prove his point.
He told me he would go to hell because he was a bad dude. He said he had shot someone, and they were in hospital. He waved a couple of guns around to prove his point.
The Mother Theresa’s of this world can’t make it because they aren’t totally perfect. The Adolf Hitler’s of this world can’t make it, in fact they don’t even try to be perfect. And we can’t make it either, because as hard as we try, we fail to be perfect as well.
I asked him how much of his hell punishment did Jesus take? He said 100%. So how sure can you be that you will go to heaven? He said "It should be 100%, but ...I don't know. I want to go to heaven, but..."
I asked when was that going to happen? He said when he was on his deathbed. I used his accident as an example – if he had another one from which he didn’t wake up from, where would he go? He said hell. Then said that right now would be the best time to transfer his trust from himself to Christ.
I told him about someone taking his hell punishment for him. God could let him go because someone else paid his hell punishment for him. He sighed, raised his eyebrows, and said that he knew what I was going to say next, and politely left the conversation.
*POST UPDATED* I asked her why she was yelling at us. She just repeated the last line over again. So I asked her if she was a good person. She said yes, she was good and did good things. I asked her if she lied. She yelled "Why are you asking me these questions?" I said that we were concerned that she would not make it to heaven. Again she yelled "I don't care!"
I may have no hope in this world, Yet I know my heart in blessed. For my only hope is Jesus Christ - He is my final rest.
So I asked him did he know when he was going to die? He said he didn’t know. So I asked him when would be the best time to place your faith in Christ? He said straight away. But he wasn’t going to do it, because he didn’t want to give up his Muslim faith.
A soldier doesn’t just put on battle gear to play dress-up. Sooner or later, he will be required to wield his weapon – the one he has been trained to use - to combat the enemy. Blood must be spilled. Souls must be rescued from the grip of the tyrannical enemy, into the rest of the Captain’s stronghold.
If nice people went to heaven, he would have been front of the queue. It’s a shame that niceness and goodness count for nothing in God’s eyes!