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Gone Fishin’ Field Report – Online Evangelism 22/4/23

Hi Everyone

Today I had the opportunity to go online today, to share the Good News!

Beforehand I joined the group Bible Study, a great time going through 1 Peter 1, learning about how to live while in persecution, and exiled as Christians. We have an  eternal inheritance to look forward to, which gives us hope in this world!

Afterwards I went onto the stream room, to join in Team Training. This is when we pair up together to have chats, and then encourage each other afterwards, and learn off each other how we can be better evangelists.

I was paired with Zack today. It was great fun. We alternated chats. I’ll mention mine first:


My first chat was with a young guy from Fairfax, VA. As soon as he got used to my accent (what accent?), he agreed there was a God, and that he would be going to hell for lying and bad language. But he couldn’t get his head around Jesus taking his hell punishment for him. I went to great pains to explain that He did this as a free gift, but then he skipped the conversation. I was left scratching my head, but prayed that something we discussed would hit home with him. 


Next was with a guy from Saranac Lake, NY. Again, he agreed there was a God, and that he would be accountable for the lying and stealing. But he got hung up on why God would send us to hell for something trivial. I explained that His laws were not trivial, and hell would be his destination regardless of whether it was 1 or 10 commandments broken. Because God was eternal, His justice would be eternal also. I heard a big sigh, then he bailed the conversation. 



Then I spoke to a guy from Frederick, MD. Well, there were actually two in the room. The guy I was talking to tried to talk, but the other guy in the background kept spewing colourful language. Every time I made traction with the first guy, the other one would start up again. They ended up bailing when I was taking them through the law.



Last conversation was with a guy from Easton, PA. This was a good chat. He had a Catholic background, so believed in a creator. He understood that he had broken God’s laws, deserved death, and that Jesus died on the cross. He also understood that only 100% faith in Christ would keep him from going to hell. He was not prepared to do this. I asked what sin he was not prepared to let go, and would go to hell for. He said there was none specifically. I got the point across that he would end up in hell if he died without transferring his faith in Christ. He said he knew, but was not ready to do that. I said that someday he would have a heart change, and I get to see him in heaven, gave him all the social and Bible links. He promised he would read the Gospel of John, and we ended the chat. Afterwards I prayed that he would not be able to sleep that night until he gave in and gave 100% of his faith to Christ!


Zack had some interesting chats. One that stands out was with 2 boys from Lafayette, IN. When the chat opened, the main kid opened with a string of colourful language that he should never have know at his age. But he was a smart kid, and Zack did brilliantly leading him through the law and Gospel. He got it straight away, and ended up saying he would transfer his trust to Christ by the end of it. We believed his declaration was genuine (although God is the only one that would know), so praise God!

So we had a great time together, and afterwards, all the groups shared of great conversations! It was a great way to spend a wet Saturday, telling the world the Good News of the Gospel!

If you want to learn more about what online evangelism looks like, check out Operation513’s Youtube page. 

If you would like to try this yourself, then Operation513 can train you for free! Visit their website and flick them a DM on one of their social media platforms!



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