Gone Fishin’ July 2024 Newsletter

One is now at war with the world. The hunger for more has created a dictator over everyone, accountable to no one. The depths of greed have even clouded judgement to the point of demanding that God rush to one’s side with a click of fingers like a divine butler, to fulfil all wants and desires. Of course, these will fall on deaf ears, as He bows to no decree.


Gone Fishin’ Field Report 15/6/24

He was trying to think up another way to get around this. I short-cutted this strategy, telling him that the only way to avoid his hell punishment was if someone took it for him. He listened silently as I gave him the Gospel of grace, saying that there was nothing he could do but place his faith in Christ, who did all the work for him. He was quiet for a long time, then said that it made perfect sense.

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