Parent category for all Gone Fishin’ Ministry Outreach newsletters, field reports of these outreaches, and personal witnessing reports
"Wait, are you saying that someone who steals to feed his family is treated the same way as someone who steals to feed a drug addiction, by being sent to hell?". I said "Yes, but...". He told me very colourfully to get out of his face.
"The deluded sinner sets off down his road of illusion, living up to his own selfish standards, leading to (what he believes to be) his ultimate destination of nirvana – only to find it doesn’t exist. It never even existed in the first place."
"She told me she was a Christian, so I started with some checking questions. She said she knew what sin was, and that Christ had died for them. But she hadn't been to church, or read he Bible for a number of years."
"I then asked her when she was going to transfer her trust in herself to Christ. She thought about it for a few seconds, then said "Nah. Not going to do that", and walked away."
Some people will tell you that being a Christian is easy – that Jesus will fix all your problems, and show you all the cool miracles He can do in your life. Unfortunately, this sets the person up for failure.
"He said that because Jesus has changed him. He used to be a bad boy, but Jesus helped him to straighten up his life. I heard the warning bells go off in my head – a changed life is not necessarily proof of a regenerated heart."
" If God was perfectly content self-existing, why did He feel the need to create anything outside of Himself? It’s not like He needed to be loved or admired to make Himself feel better, as He was already perfect."
"She said she couldn’t understand why a so-called “loving God” would let her go through all that pain. I sympathised with her, and explained that when God made man, he was good. But when man rebelled, it brought sin, illness, disease, and death into the world. "
"Why on earth would someone willingly want to go to hell when they don’t have to, because it is what they deserve? And why would they be offended by another who was willing to take their hell punishment for them?"
"He said it didn't concern him, as he has lived through 2 near death experiences, so nothing would phase him. I told him that 10 out of 10 people eventually die, and the fact that he is still alive and talking to me right now could be a sign that God is trying to get his attention. Unfortunately all my pleads fell on deaf ears, so I had to leave him in God's hands and walk away."