Gone Fishin’ June 2021 Newsletter
Some people will tell you that being a Christian is easy – that Jesus will fix all your problems, and show you all the cool miracles He can do in your life. Unfortunately, this sets the person up for failure.
Some people will tell you that being a Christian is easy – that Jesus will fix all your problems, and show you all the cool miracles He can do in your life. Unfortunately, this sets the person up for failure.
" If God was perfectly content self-existing, why did He feel the need to create anything outside of Himself? It’s not like He needed to be loved or admired to make Himself feel better, as He was already perfect."
"Why on earth would someone willingly want to go to hell when they don’t have to, because it is what they deserve? And why would they be offended by another who was willing to take their hell punishment for them?"
"Life can be so treacherous at times that all we can do is focus on the next step. This is where God’s faithfulness shines brightest, for He promises that His Word will be a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path"
The good news of the Gospel is the greatest news anyone can ever hear. Why? Because it’s not about us. If it was, it would be a story of brokenness, sinfulness, and death. And that would be the end of the story.
Our human nature can’t help but see fault in others. We get so distraught when see what others can get away with, and we come to God with a shopping list of all their indiscretions against us. However, when we see ourselves in the mirror of God’s law, we come to the realisation that we are no better than them. In fact, we are no better than the worst criminal in all of human history.
Our human brain is naturally hard-wired to deflect blame. And our rebellion started the first time we said “I don’t know!” when our parents asked us how the kitten ended up in the toilet bowl. We don’t like to admit fault, and we employ any means necessary to escape punishment for it.
Our love for the Lord leads to love for His saints and ultimately love for the lost.
For our country, our planet, our universe to exist from a random explosion from materials that didn’t exist – well, that seems preposterous, doesn’t it? Creation screams of an intelligent creator!
To feel no conviction from sin means we have numbed our conscience to it. That’s like taking the batteries out of a smoke detector when we get tired of the noise it makes.