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Our human nature can’t help but see fault in others. We get so distraught when see what others can get away with, and we come to God with a shopping list of all their indiscretions against us. However, when we see ourselves in the mirror of God’s law, we come to the realisation that we are no better than them. In fact, we are no better than the worst criminal in all of human history.
I decided to go hardball on him. I said "Andrew, look at me. Listen, you are a sinner, just like me. When you die, you will have to face God for those sins. Alone, with no one else to help you out. His standard is perfection, so He will find you guilty of breaking His laws. Your punishment will be an eternity in a fiery lake called hell.
Our human brain is naturally hard-wired to deflect blame.
And our rebellion started the first time we said “I don’t know!” when our parents asked us how the kitten ended up in the toilet bowl. We don’t like to admit fault, and we employ any means necessary to escape punishment for it.
"He told me he was a Christian, but when I pressed him about how he was getting to heaven, he was focusing on his works, and his family values. He got angry with me when I said it would count for nothing on Judgement Day."
Our love for the Lord leads to love for His saints and ultimately love for the lost.
I stood there frozen, my heart crushed. The thought of someone hearing the best news ever and rejecting it, was beyond belief. As I moved on, I prayed for Brian, that God would not leave him alone, that he would reconsider his foolish decision, and turn from his ways.
For our country, our planet, our universe to exist from a random explosion from materials that didn’t exist – well, that seems preposterous, doesn’t it? Creation screams of an intelligent creator!
The 'Tell Me' Conference, Christchurch 29 August 2020
Back around by the playground, I gave Dennis a million-dollar tract. When he found out it was a Christian tract, he was furious.
To feel no conviction from sin means we have numbed our conscience to it. That’s like taking the batteries out of a smoke detector when we get tired of the noise it makes.