Gone Fishin’ July 2018 Newsletter

As Christians, this is something we should never forget. We do not deserve to inherit the kingdom of God, either. Nobody does. Christian or not, we still find new ways to break each and every commandment that God gave us. That part of us doesn’t change. We can’t help it – it comes naturally.But, praise God, there is good news!


All Things To All People, But Only One Gospel (1 Cor 9:16-23, Ps 58:1-5)

Paul has not just given us a commission to go out - he’s also telling us that wherever we go, in every facet of our little ‘world’ in which we move around in, there will always be people to win. Sinners aren’t faceless zombies that follow you about, calling out ‘I’m a sinner, please come and save me!’. Well, not in the literal sense, anyway. Sometime you can spot them a mile off.


Of Mongrels And Prodigals

Then, right in front of me he pulled his t-shirt off, revealing a black singlet, and heavily tattooed arms. He then replaced his t-shirt with a black waistcoat. This was no ordinary waistcoat. It was one of the most intimidating ones you could adorn - with the huge circular bulldog insignia of the fearsome Mongrel Mob - probably the most dangerous gang in the country.


Real Friends Tell Their Friends The Truth

When I lived in Christchurch, I often saw a funny little man with a moustache who would stand on a step-ladder in Cathedral Square at lunch times. He would yell out stuff about breaking God's law, sin & repentance. I remember  thinking 'I could never do that!'. It seemed to me that he never got a lot of return for his hard work.


Michael, Part 2

Me: Well firstly you do not believe that Jesus is God, and that is fundamental to our salvation.M: He isn't God. God created Jesus.I pointed out that Jesus was there in the beginning (John 1), and created the world (let 'us' make man).Me: If Jesus wasn't God, then He died in vainMichael frowned and was taken aback M: That's a very bold statement to make, Craig!


Michael, Part 1

He was a very polite young man, I would say barely into his 20's, of African descent. He introduced himself as Michael, and he handed me a pamphlet. The title at the top read 'Can the dead really live again?', which was the giveaway to his cult. The gist of the pamphlet was about resurrection of the dead, and how this can happen to you.