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It Was For This

It Was For This (John 3:17-21)

God sent His Son to this fallen creation
Sin had infested every man, and nation
From penalty of death, and eternal damnation,
He offered us hope, and full restoration.

No earthly pleasures did He partake
A perfect life led, for mankind’s sake
Tempted by sin, yet not one mistake
Not one commandment did He break.

Repent, place your faith in the Anointed One!
It was for this, God sent His Son.

Deposed from royalty to earthly shame
To model a servant was the premise he came
The Pharisees mocked of His heavenly claim
Despised Him for blasphemy of His Name.

Tried by man, yet no guilt was exposed
He faced all His charges; silent, composed
His false conviction was cast, unopposed
The soldiers gambled for his earthly clothes.

Repent, place your faith in the Anointed One!
It was for this, God sent His Son.

Nails and a spear then punctured His skin
Blood and water gushed out from within
He was crushed on that cross with the weight of our sin
“It Is Finished!” was His final hymn.

Repent, place your faith in the Anointed One!
It was for this, God sent His Son.

The ransom now paid, His earthly tent
Was placed in the grave, bloodied, and spent
For the one through they were told to repent
His followers cried a woeful lament.

Yet three days later, an open grave door!
His grave clothes lay empty on its’ floor
Death was defeated, its’ grip on us no more
This is the reason He came to us for!

Repent, place your faith in the Anointed One!
It was for this, God sent His Son.

We love the darkness more than the light
And our evil consigns us to the grave
But God sent His Son to make things right
Not to condemn, but through Him to save
Look to the truth, and the light will be found
Repent, place your faith in the Anointed One!
Darkness will flee, new life will abound
It was for this, God sent His Son.

© craig godfrey

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