Parent category for all Gone Fishin’ Ministry Outreach newsletters, field reports of these outreaches, and personal witnessing reports
"On the way back to the car later, I passed Jim. He grabbed my hand and said that ever since our chat, a peace has come over him. I asked him why he should be let into heaven, and he said because Jesus took 100% of his hell punishment for him It was confirmation for me that what I was sharing was hitting home!"
" Hosea did all the talking in his street gangster style. It was hard to get a word in. But when they came to understand that there was a creator, and the creator required he keep a standard, he went quiet. I was able to guide him through the law, and he came to realise the trouble he would be in if he did not make it home alive tonight."
I bumped into Victoria again tonight. After last night's chat, she was still mulling things over. I told her that God may have just let her live another day in order to withhold his justice from her, and not think things over too long! She looked shocked, and said definitely, she would think about it. I asked her if she had any more questions, but she said no, she just had to make a decision.
"She looked pretty tearful, so I gave the beautiful Gospel that gives her hope to get to heaven. She was very thankful for the conversation, and took a good person tract off me, and I showed her how to download a free Bible app.. I walked past a couple of minutes later, and she was still intently reading the tract. She smiled, and gave me the thumbs up, so I pray that she will come to genuine faith in Christ!"
"The perfect punishment is an eternal prison-cell called Hell, where the criminal is physically tormented in a lake of fire, without respite. The through terrifies us, but there is hope!"
"He believed there was a heaven, and was pretty sure he was going there. But he admitted that was by his own standards. So I asked him if he wanted to test himself by God’s standards. He said OK. It transpired that he was a lying, thieving, adulterer at heart."
"To simply not care – to stand and watch someone die without offering them hope – is the most evil of crimes. This is the crime of depraved indifference. People who commit depraved indifference can be charged with murder, or manslaughter. Blood is on their hands."
"He said it was good to talk about these things, but I said that talking doesn’t solve the problem – he had to believe by faith that Jesus took his sin punishment for him."
"Some will swell with pride, saying they are a good person, and they will be OK on judgement day. What they are really saying is that they are enjoying their sin so much that they are willing to go to hell for it."
I told him that he wasn't saved by giving his heart to Jesus - he was saved by believing by faith that Jesus gave HIS heart and HIS life for HIM.