Gone Fishin’ Field Report 17/02/2024
He started yelling and abusing us. We asked him to calm down, but he just got louder. He tried to rip the Gospel tracts out of my hand. He got one, and tore it up in front of my face, swearing and cursing at me.
Parent category for all Gone Fishin’ Ministry Outreach newsletters, field reports of these outreaches, and personal witnessing reports
He started yelling and abusing us. We asked him to calm down, but he just got louder. He tried to rip the Gospel tracts out of my hand. He got one, and tore it up in front of my face, swearing and cursing at me.
Spiritual revival does not start by building up. It starts by tearing down.
I told him that God would give him the same punishment that I deserve, eternity in hell. Going through Jesus taking his hell punishment was a bit of a comedy act with him, so I decided to stress the danger of thinking the way he does, and wished him good luck on judgement day.
He told me I had blown his mind, and that he had some thinking to do. I said, “Don’t leave it for too long, as you don’t know when you are going to die – and if I am right, where would you go? He said, “To hell”
I asked him so if he had died before this conversation, where would he have gone? He thought about it, then his eyes got big and bulgy, and he said "I would have gone to hell!'. I asked 'But if you died right now, where would you go?'. He said 'Heaven, 100%!'
Then she did something weird. She looked away, said ‘OK, alright’ as if on a phone. She said that Papa had just told her to tell me to keep doing what I was doing.
As Christians, our compass is the Word of God. It is a wise man who constantly checks against the Word for any course alterations needed. If we rely on our hearts, our feelings, or what seems right to us, we can wander way off course into danger, into the jungle of heresy, where danger lurks at every dark turn.
I asked her if a worldly judge let everyone off their crimes, would they be a good judge? She said no, that would be bad. I asked her wouldn't that make Allah bad also? She thought for a while, then said yes, I was probably right.
I said I wasn't prepared to call Jesus a liar, and wished her good luck with that on Judgement Day, where she was in danger of God saying to her "depart from me, you worker of iniquity, I never knew you".
What a wake-up call she got when she realised that her sins were enough to send her to hell! She started agreeing with what I was saying, but suddenly turned back to her 'God is love and wouldn't throw anyone in hell' stance. Then her understanding of English disappeared, and she feigned a language barrier problem.