Gone Fishin’ July 2024 Newsletter

One is now at war with the world. The hunger for more has created a dictator over everyone, accountable to no one. The depths of greed have even clouded judgement to the point of demanding that God rush to one’s side with a click of fingers like a divine butler, to fulfil all wants and desires. Of course, these will fall on deaf ears, as He bows to no decree.


Gone Fishin’ May 2024 Newsletter

If I write a book, who is doing the writing, me or the pen? I am the one writing the words, using the pen. In the same way, God is is the author of His Word. He used men as His pen, to create the passages. The words are perfect because the people writing them were His instruments, compelled by The Holy Spirit to pen His thoughts exactly. That is why we can rely on it for truth.


Gone Fishin’ April 2024 Newsletter

So how can we protect ourselves and others from the sin of pride and over-confidence? Well, we humble ourselves to God alone. We ask for His protection. We submit to His will, praying “Let not the foot of pride come against me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away.”. Pride is always at the root of all sin, and it takes a humble heart for God to tear it out. If we trust in ourselves, then sooner or later we will be destroyed.