Two Thieves, And Two Eternities
Audio for sermon is up
If you’re like me, then you’ve probably heard a hundred sermons on this chapter, and are probably thinking ‘Oh no, not another sermon on 1 Cor 13!’
Now, I love alliterated sermons – I love to play around with words mainly because they keep my focus and interested. I’ve always been jealous of preachers who can come up with a 7 point sermon that all start with the same letter, or the first letters of each point spell the word ‘Prayer’ or something.
Hi Everyone Last Sunday the Pastor was unavailable, so asked me if I could do the teaching that morning. I was a bit hesitant to say yes, as I hadn't taught for over 10 years! He said I could teach on whatever I wanted (brave man!). So I decided to expand on the post Whom Shall I Fear? I wrote last year. If you want to listen, you can find the message here. Please note that I was extremely nervous! I have not listened to the recording, as I don't like the sound of my own recorded voice. Enjoy! Blessings.