Gone Fishin’ Field Report 21/9/24

I asked Ben if he is not a good person, where should God send him after he dies. He said he should send him to hell. Then something broke inside Ben, and he started to cry uncontrollably. I asked him if he was OK. Through his tears he said “I never knew how bad the things I did looked to God, and what that meant for me. I don’t think anyone should go to heaven”. It was a vulnerable moment. It would have been easy to destroy him with more truth about how bad he was, so I had to tread carefully.


Gone Fishin’ Field Report – Wellington Outreach Week 9 to 13 September 2024, Day 5

If someone throws you in prison, and you have no recollection of what you had done wrong, and no one advises you of your crime, then how is that justice? How can you feel remorse? This is why reincarnation is so evil; many people trying to better themselves, with no clue about what moral code they have broken or have to live up to in order to put things right. What a depressing, endless circle.