Gone Fishin’ Field Report 18/2/23
He admitted that he would end up in hell because of all the laws he had broken. He understood that God had every right to throw him in hell. I explained how Jesus paid his hell punishment, and he looked relieved.
He admitted that he would end up in hell because of all the laws he had broken. He understood that God had every right to throw him in hell. I explained how Jesus paid his hell punishment, and he looked relieved.
If the only reason we are accumulating information is to puff ourselves up, or to laud it over or impress another with our vast knowledge, then we have fallen into the sin of pride. The adage goes, “nobody likes a smart-alec”! Generally, the only person we are impressing, is ourselves.
I don't know why, but I asked him if he still sinned. He said yes. I asked what happened to all the sin, did Christ take it all? I don't know why I was asking these questions, they just came out. I guess it was the Holy Spirit guiding my words. He said it didn't matter how much he sinned before he died, as Christ's mercy extended past his death. I just stood there with my mouth open - what was he saying??